[GMW87]How To Play Any Mental Game

1 Introduction
2 Preliminary Definitions
2.1 Notation and Conventions for Probabilistic Algorithms

2.2 Game Networks and Distributed Algorithms
Probabilistic Distributed Alg.

2.3 Adversaries
Passive adversaries

- passive adversary
- compute more than required don't want ro corrupt, but try to compute more than their due share of knowledge
- msgs it sends and outputs are inaccordance to original program
Malicious Adv.

- malicious adversary
- deviated from original progarm in any action
- not only disrupte the privacy constraint
- but also make the outcome different than in an ideal world

图灵游戏在any number of passive adv. or with n/2 malicious adv. 都是playable.
4 Hints on How to Play Hm-game With Passive Adversaries
4.1 A New and General OT Protocol

- A more general and useful notion of OT has been proposed by Even, Goldreich and Lempel: 1-out-of-2 OT
- proposed the first omplementation of a 1-out-of-2 OT using public key cryptosystems.
- requires a quite strong set of assumpeions even when the adversaries are only passive. 即使是在passive adv.面前也需要strong assumptions.
Our Protocol

为了简化处理,1-out-of-2 OT 中的msg只有1bit B不能预测另一个值,A不能预测B的选择。
- input:
- A: a pair of bits (b0, b1) and their encryption.
- B: private input bit
- desired properties:
- B can read , but can't predict
- A cannot predict

- (A) randomly select a trap-door function keep secret and sends f to B
- (B) randomly selects sends A the pair (u, v)
- (A)computes(c0, c1) use c to mask b and sends(d0, d1) to B
- (B)computes
4.2 Strengthening Yao's Combined Oblivious Transfer

- A, B: respectively owning private inputs a and b
- g: any chosen function g
- A computes g(a, b) while B don't know what A has computed
如果把a, b当作secrets,B obliviously transfer a prescribed combination of his and A's secret to A.

四行中只有一对的异或是密钥D5,其他都是密钥D6,解密0(AND gate) E1,E2,E5,E6和0,1的对应关系是public labelled E3,E4和0,1的关系是secretly labelled

- (B)generates a COT AND-gate keep all decoding alg. and all strings in the rows
- (B)gives A the second input-wire: b b可能是E3或E4,因为A不知道对应关系
- (A)get either D1, D2 according to value a by 1-out-of-2 OT, B will not know which alg. A got
- (A)easily compute the value of output-wire only A know AND(a,b)
4.3 The Tm-game Solver for passive adversaries
use CTO as a subrouting

- want to use COT as subrouting to construct a Tm-solver 想用COT作为Tm-solver的subrouting
- if two parties i and j use COT so that i will compute g(xi, yi) 通过COT,party i 可以计算g(xi, yi),而party j 不知道。

[Ba]D. Barrington, Bounded-Width Branhing Program Recognize Exactly Those Languages in NC, Proc. 18th STOC, 1986 pp 1-5
用了一个symmetric group on 5 elements

in the program:
- 0和1都被分别编码为2个5-permutations
- 其中的变量都在S5中
- 程序中的每个操作都包含两个5-permutaions值都乘法,值可能是常量、变量或者变量的逆等。

each party:
- (input)takes private bits and encodes it by a 5-permutaion
- (divide )
- selects
random 5-permutaion and gives
to party i i是index,最后结果计算时的乘积顺序
- sets and gives to party n
- selects
each variable :
- each party
possesses an index permutation pair

通过以下指令,each party 可以计算最终结果的piece
Case 1:

sigma is a variable and c is a constant
- (each party) has a piece:
- (party n) sets his new piece:
- (all each party) leaves his piece untouched
the ordered product of the new pieces is pieces按照顺序的乘积
Case 2:

求逆是逆序求,所以index需要改变 求出,再按照case 1的情况处理
Case 3:

- both and are variables
- each party poseesses piece and
- S5 is not commutative party i在计算最终结果piece时,不能直接将两个piece相乘,因为S5是不满足交换律的。
giving new pieces

move party 1's pieces closer by swaping 通过交换,让party 1的两个pieces靠近
- : swap and
- : satisfy 交换后,each party就可以将his pieces 相乘,得到最终结果的piece。计算结果时,按序相乘即可。
- : swap and
- move party 1's pieces closer
- swap and : satisfy
- swap and swap party n-1's piece and party 1's piece
- ...go on swapping
- (party 1 final)
- move party 2's pieces closer
- final:
- move party 1's pieces closer
- violate the privacy constraint: party 1 and party n tell each other and 其中一种实现new pieces的方法是party n和party 1互相告知对应的pieces,但这会破坏隐私性

respect the privacy constraint use COT to achieve
- (party n)randomly selects a 5-permutation
- party 1 posesses:
- party n posesses:
- function g: for 5-permutations x, y and z
- A(party 1): input
- B(party n): input
- A(party 1)'s output:
- B(party n)'s output: none
- set new pieces:
- party 1 :
- party n:
Analyze security informally

- party n has no info about party 1's old piece nor the now one
- party n's new piece is a random
- transfer g(a, b) is oblivious
- party 1 has no info about party n'
- : party 1 only knows
- is injective on S5 and is randomly selected by party n

- after n 'swaps': party 1 can get the pieces for the variable